New trend! Ministry officials: support for new energy vehicles is not weakened

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At the China Electric Vehicle Hundreds Forum (2018) held last weekend, many ministry officials stated that the support for new energy vehicles will not only not be weakened in the future, but more new measures will be implemented to promote the development of related industries.

At the China Electric Vehicle Hundreds Forum (2018) held last weekend, many ministry officials stated that the support for new energy vehicles will not only not be weakened in the future, but more new measures will be implemented to promote the development of related industries.

In recent years, China's new energy vehicle industry has developed rapidly. With the new energy vehicle subsidy policy retreat clear, the policy direction has been the concern of the industry.

"It is necessary to implement fiscal and tax preferential policies, strengthen the supervision of subsidy funds, improve the new energy vehicle supervision information platform, and improve the safe operation of new energy vehicles." Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Minister Miao Wei said that the adjustment of financial subsidies for new energy vehicles is imperative. If the one-time adjustment is postponed to the end of 2020, it is better to release the adjustment pressure in stages, so that everyone can smoothly through the decline period.

Miao Wei stressed that it is necessary to further improve the marketing and service systems of new energy vehicle financial credit, insurance, leasing, and second-hand car trading, speed up the establishment of a market-oriented points trading platform, provide a variety of trading functions, and study and formulate points management measures. activate the points trading market, study and release the requirements for the proportion of points for new energy vehicles after 2020 in advance, and speed up the establishment of a points management system for commercial vehicles.

Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that he will adhere to pure electric drive to help change lanes and overtake. Carry out the clean-up regulations for new energy vehicle companies, revise the ''Regulations on the Management of Newly-built Pure Electric Passenger Vehicle Enterprises'', optimize the industrial layout and structure, further improve the management of new energy vehicle investment projects, and explore the development of new energy vehicle carbon quota trading in the national carbon emission market. Establish a market-oriented and legalized long-term incentive mechanism. We will improve the policy system to support the consumption and use of new energy vehicles, and encourage places with conditions to explore and implement measures such as "zero emission driving areas.

Liu Xiaoming, deputy minister of the Ministry of Transport, said that he will work with relevant departments to formulate and implement differentiated policies and measures for the use of new energy vehicles and improve related supporting infrastructure. Encourage transport enterprises to use energy-saving and environmentally friendly vehicles, and promote the upgrading of transport equipment into the file. Continue to follow the national new energy vehicle development strategy, and take the overall planning and innovative development of new energy vehicles as an important measure to realize the green development of transportation.

It is reported that with the continuous improvement of the penetration rate and ownership of new energy vehicles, the development of the industry has entered a new stage, and some problems of unbalanced and inadequate development have gradually become prominent. Among them, the charging infrastructure is the short board restricting the development.

"The next step will be to work with relevant departments and related enterprises to focus on the innovative development of charging infrastructure, and promote the development of charging infrastructure to a new level." Liu Baohua, deputy director of the National Energy Administration, said at the meeting.

According to Liu Baohua, the National Energy Administration will promote the development of charging infrastructure from three aspects. One is to support the exploration of innovative charging business models. Cooperate with relevant ministries and commissions to guide localities to improve the charging facilities construction award and compensation methods, and effectively play the guiding role of award and compensation funds. The second is to accelerate the promotion of advanced technology research and development. While further improving the technical level of AC slow charging and DC fast charging, we should aim at the development direction of standardization, networking and intelligence, speed up the popularization and application of flexible charging technology, strengthen the research on key technologies such as wireless charging and intelligent charging, and make breakthroughs as soon as possible. The third is to promote the integrated development of charging service platform. Actively play the role of industry organizations such as the charging infrastructure promotion alliance, and realize the data sharing of leading enterprise platforms such as the National Grid, Putian New Energy, Special Call, Wanbang, etc.

Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang said that we should continue to improve policy innovation and maintain policy continuity. In the future, we will continue to expand the sales quota of electric vehicles, speed up the popularization and promotion of public transportation and taxis, open up the new market of shared cars, improve the construction measures of charging facilities, and create a better market environment.