Car companies speed up the new energy layout of mobile travel

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At the "2018 China Electric Vehicle Hundreds Forum" held from January 20 to 21, Wan Gang, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Minister of Science and Technology, said that he was optimistic that the sales of new energy vehicles would reach 1 million in 2018, but the goal of 2 million in 2020 still needs to be sustained.

At the "2018 China Electric Vehicle Hundreds Forum" held from January 20 to 21, Wan Gang, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Minister of Science and Technology, said that he was optimistic that the sales of new energy vehicles would reach 1 million in 2018, but the goal of 2 million in 2020 still needs to be sustained. We should firmly withdraw the financial subsidy for electric vehicles in 2020. The state will maintain the continuity of policies, implement the automobile energy-saving points system and corresponding incentive measures in due course, speed up the construction of carbon trading system, and support business model innovation. At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the reform of the electricity price mechanism, support policies for the use of renewable energy and valley power, and reduce costs and improve efficiency.

  Sectional release of subsidy recoil pressure

"The adjustment of the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles is imperative. If we postpone the one-time adjustment until the end of 2020, it is better to release the pressure of adjustment in stages so that everyone can smoothly ride out the impact of the decline." Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Minister Miao Wei said at the meeting.

In 2017, the scale of China's new energy vehicle industry continued to expand. In the whole year, the output of new energy vehicles was 794000, and the sales volume was 777000. The output accounted for 2.7 of the total automobile output, ranking first in the world for three consecutive years.

The continued expansion of the scale of production and sales means that the pressure on state financial subsidies has further increased, while the 2018 new energy vehicle subsidy retreat policy is landing. Recently, relevant people close to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology confirmed to a reporter from China Securities News that subsidies for new energy vehicles will be reduced again in 2018 and will be completely canceled by 2020. At present, the opinions of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other ministries and commissions have reached an agreement and are being submitted to the State Council for countersignature. It is believed that the policy will be released soon.

In September 2017, the four ministries and commissions jointly announced the "Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Companies and New Energy Vehicle Points", but some companies are still facing greater pressure to meet the standards. "In 2016, 42 of the 123 vehicle companies did not meet the fuel consumption standards. Among them, there are also large-scale production and marketing enterprises, many enterprises in the new energy vehicle product planning and layout, from the 2019 and 2020 points ratio requirements still have a certain gap." Miao Wei said that automobile enterprises should carry out product research and development and production layout as soon as possible according to the standard of average fuel consumption in the integral method and the requirements of the proportion of new energy vehicles. If the response is slow, it will not only cause economic losses, but also cause passive development.

Miao Wei said that with the decline of financial subsidies, in the case of the gradual withdrawal of monetization support policy, the use of access facilities and other follow-up replacement policies need to be studied in advance, pay close attention to the layout. In addition, local protection will be resolutely broken, and local financial subsidies will be guided to gradually shift from encouraging purchase to supporting the construction of charging facilities and subsidizing the cost of charging services.

At the same time, it is necessary to further improve the marketing and service systems of new energy vehicles, such as financial credit, insurance, leasing, and second-hand car trading, speed up the establishment of a market-oriented points trading platform, provide a variety of trading functions, and study and formulate measures for points economic management to activate the points trading market; study and release the requirements for the points ratio of new energy vehicles after 2020 in advance, and speed up the establishment of a points management system for commercial vehicle points.

In terms of implementing innovation-driven, Miao Wei said that it is necessary to give full play to the main role of enterprises, support enterprises' innovation in new energy vehicle platforms and vehicle integration, and focus on conquering the key core technologies of new system batteries such as next-generation lithium batteries and solid-state batteries. Speed up the pace of product upgrading, with single batteries achieving 350 watt-hours/kg and modules achieving 260 watt-hours/kg by 2020.

  Car companies actively promote the layout

The development of the automobile industry in the direction of "electrification, intelligence, networking, and sharing" has become a consensus, and all vehicle companies are accelerating the new energy layout of mobile travel in the future.

Zheng Gang, general manager of BAIC New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., said that comprehensive new energy has become the common goal of all sectors of BAIC Group. At present, BAIC has taken the lead in setting up the National New Energy vehicle Technology Innovation Center to create an open cooperation model and aggregate the resources of government, industry, university and research in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. It is completely open in terms of intelligent network connection, fuel cell, power cell, electric drive, electronic control, lightweight and other technologies. At present, the communication and negotiation of 15 joint construction units have been completed.

Gu Huinan, general manager of GAC New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., said that GAC Group launched the construction of GAC Zhilian New Energy Automobile Industrial Park in April 2017, with a view to realizing the industrial agglomeration of Zhilian new energy vehicle enterprises, core technology research and development in parts manufacturing enterprises and Internet cutting. In addition, GAC has signed cooperation agreements with China Mobile, Huawei, Tencent, iFLYTEK and China Southern Power Grid to jointly develop new technology industries.

In addition to traditional fuel vehicle companies, some new car-making forces are not too bad in promoting the industrialization of new energy smart vehicles. Lu Qi, president and chief operating officer of Baidu Group, believes that the best way to product innovation and commercial innovation is an open platform and cooperative ecology. As the world's first driverless platform, Baidu Apollo has been updated three times since its announcement on April 19, 2017, from 1.0 closed venues, to 1.5 fixed lanes, to 2.0 simple urban road conditions. The Apollo platform is rapidly realizing productization and industrialization.

Cao Zhong, chairman of Hangzhou Changjiang Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd., said that the cruising range of electric vehicles is still an important obstacle to the promotion of new energy vehicles, and the mixture of hydrogen and lithium is the best way for pure electric vehicles to solve the anxiety of cruising range in the future. According to its introduction, in 2017, the service life of hydrogen fuel cell engine products, the cooperative research and development results of Changjiang Automobile and Tyros, was increased from 1000 hours to 7000 hours, and the service life improvement target of the hydrogen fuel engine in 2018 was 10000 to 15000 hours.

  Optimize battery industry chain

The huge demand of the new energy automobile industry has strongly promoted the technological progress of power batteries and the expansion of industrial scale. At present, the scale of my country's battery industry has reached the first in the world, and the overall level ranks among the top three in the world; my country's power battery industry chain, especially positive and negative battery materials, maintains the first share in the international market.

At present, the domestic vehicle power battery has quickly formed a Ningde era, BYD, Guoxuan Gaoke, Shenzhen Bick, Tianjin Lishen-based first-and second-tier echelon, the market is rapidly gathering to the leader. At present, only the two giants of Ningde Times and BYD account for nearly 50% of the market, and the market share of the top ten companies is close to 80%.

Sun Fengchun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Laboratory for Electric Vehicles, told the China Securities Journal, "At present, there are about 300 domestic battery companies with product records, but the real volume is only a few dozen. According to the technical requirements of the subsidy retreat, if the energy density is raised to 250-270 kW, 70% of the battery companies will not meet the target." Sun Fengchun predicts that there will be a large merger and reorganization of domestic battery enterprises in 2018.

How can power battery companies improve their competitiveness in the face of a rapidly integrated industry? Sun Xiaodong, vice president of Shanshan, told China Securities News that Shanshan has built a dual-loop energy storage system to control costs, the first link is based on the traditional strength of lithium-ion materials, across the battery core to do a pack, after use on electric vehicles to do ladder use. At the same time, materials will be recycled back into the lithium battery material ring in combination with external cooperative manufacturers. The second ring takes pack as the carrier and forms an operation service ring through the charging service and vehicle operation management of electric vehicles.

He Xueqin, chairman of Shenzhen Beitri New Energy Materials Co., Ltd., believes that it is necessary to actively do a good job in the in-depth cooperation of the entire industry chain. "From the beginning of the design process, we decide what kind of battery to use and what kind of battery materials to choose. Deep cooperation is the most fundamental means for us to finally produce differentiated and competitive electric vehicles."