
Products News

SOEC Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Distributed Hydrogen Production Equipment

SOEC high-temperature electrolyzer technology, when integrated with an external heat source, may use 45% less electricity than low-temperature proton exchange membrane and alkaline electrolyzers. When used in conjunction with intermittent renewable resources such as wind and solar energy, the generated green hydrogen provides an important storage mechanism.

SOFC fuel cell distributed power generation equipment

Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is an advanced power generation equipment that directly converts chemical energy into electrical energy. It has high power generation efficiency (its own power generation efficiency is close to 60%, the combined efficiency of hot gas turbine can reach more than 80%), high cogeneration efficiency (waste heat temperature is 400 ℃-600 ℃, cogeneration efficiency is more than 90%), water resources saving (2% of the water consumption of traditional power generation), green environmental protection, easy modular assembly, wide range of fuel selection (natural gas, coal gas, biomass gas, methanol, etc. can be used), precious metal catalyst is not required, and adaptability is strong, it is a kind of fuel cell with high application prospect.

Summary of progress in the domestic solid oxide fuel cell industry in 2023

The project was initiated in August 2020 and plans to install a 210kW (6 sets of 35kW) SOFC system for on-site demonstration operation at Guangdong Energy Group Huizhou Natural Gas Power Generation Co., Ltd. by the end of 2022.


2023 International SOFC Latest News

Washington State University has made key progress in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), making this high energy efficiency, low pollution technology a more feasible alternative to gasoline engines that power cars.


[Shuangchuang Elegance] 2017 National Competition Winning Award-Shanghai Zhongfu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhongfu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 and registered in Minhang Zizhu High-tech Zone. Team members have undertaken the research and development of national 973 projects for fuel cells and participated in a number of international cooperation projects. Through years of hard work, it has broken through the key materials, components, reactor assembly and kilowatt power generation system integration of fuel cells. At present, 20 national patent applications have been completed, among them, there are 7 invention patents, and more than 10 enterprise standards for SOFC-related technologies have been formulated.


Congratulations to our company for participating in the innovative "fuel cell distributed power generation system based on SOFC technology" project and winning the Excellence Award

Announcement of the General Office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on the list of winners of the 2018 Central Enterprise Yixing Innovation and Creativity Competition, Shanghai Zhongfu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and CNOOC Energy Development Information Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the innovation category "fuel cell based on SOFC technology" "Distributed Power Generation System" project won the Excellence Award.


Change the gas station into a charging station! Shanghai enterprises want to solve the problem of electric vehicle charging

Electric vehicles are becoming popular, but charging is a big problem: charging piles are difficult to install, charging stations are difficult to find, and charging time is too long. What to do? A company founded by former employees of PetroChina and AVIC and associate professors of Shanghai Jiaotong University tries to solve these problems by converting oil and gas from gas stations and filling stations directly into electricity. "The solid oxide fuel cell we developed is suitable for the off-the-shelf vehicle fuel supply system, turning gas stations into charging stations, making car charging as convenient and fast as refueling." At the 6th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Shanghai Division) National Competition Trials held recently, Dr. Qin Jiangyang, President of Shanghai Zhongfu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., told the judges.


Akili enters the fuel cell industry: a joint venture with Zhongfu

In recent years, the state has given strong support to the development of the fuel cell industry. The preferential policies have attracted more and more enterprises to start or increase the layout of the fuel cell industry. Recently, the materials company Akli entered the fuel cell industry in a joint venture.
