Financial subsidies retreat new energy vehicles with what to win the future?

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"After nearly 20 years of hard work, my country's new energy vehicles have shown obvious comprehensive advantages in R & D, industry, market, policy innovation and infrastructure." Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang said at the China Electric Vehicle Hundreds Forum held on the 20th that the cumulative global sales of new energy vehicles have exceeded 3.4 million, of which more than 50% of electric vehicles are driving in China. "We have taken concrete actions to save energy and reduce carbon and contribute to the fight against climate change."

"After nearly 20 years of hard work, my country's new energy vehicles have shown obvious comprehensive advantages in R & D, industry, market, policy innovation and infrastructure." Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang said at the China Electric Vehicle Hundreds Forum held on the 20th that the cumulative global sales of new energy vehicles have exceeded 3.4 million, of which more than 50% of electric vehicles are driving in China. "We have taken concrete actions to save energy and reduce carbon and contribute to the fight against climate change."

On the one hand, it is the proud report card handed over by new energy vehicles. On the other hand, two years later, the subsidy will decline. Can the development of new energy vehicles be smooth sailing?

"Everyone is worried that the subsidy policy will be adjusted, and in fact this adjustment is imperative. If we postpone the one-time adjustment until the end of 2020, it is better to release the pressure of adjustment in stages so that everyone can smoothly get through the impact of the retreat." The Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei said that the "Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Companies and New Energy Vehicle Points" was previously issued in an attempt to deal with the market-based subsidy mechanism for the development of new energy vehicles after the withdrawal of government subsidies in 2020.

According to Chen Qingtai, chairman of the China Electric Vehicle Association of 100, with the introduction of a timetable for banning the sale of fuel vehicles in some countries and the introduction of my country's double points policy, the rapid growth of electric vehicles may occur in the next 5 years or more. The basis is that the cost-effectiveness of electric vehicles is comparable to or surpassing fuel vehicles.

Although the points method has been released, but some enterprises are still facing greater pressure to meet the standards. "In 2016, for example, 42 of the 123 automotive vehicle companies did not meet the requirements of the fuel consumption standard. Among them, there are also large-scale production and marketing enterprises, many enterprises in the new energy vehicle product planning and layout, from the 2019 and 2020 points ratio requirements still have a certain gap." Miao Wei reminded that automobile enterprises should carry out product research and development and production layout as soon as possible according to the standard of average fuel consumption in the integral method and the requirements of the proportion of new energy vehicles. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also speed up the establishment of a market-oriented points trading platform, provide a variety of trading functions, study and formulate measures for points economic management, and activate the points trading market.

"We focus on establishing a long-term mechanism for the development of the new energy vehicle industry, promoting the release of guidance on accelerating the promotion and application of new energy vehicles and the management regulations for newly-built pure electric passenger vehicle enterprises, and introducing corresponding supporting policies or rules in terms of charging infrastructure, power battery recycling and power consumption prices." Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, revealed that he will explore the development of new energy vehicle carbon quota trading in the national carbon emission market, establish a market-oriented and legalized long-term incentive mechanism; improve the policy system supporting the consumption and use of new energy vehicles, and encourage qualified places Explore and implement measures such as "zero emission driving areas.

"Continue to improve our policy innovation and maintain policy continuity." Wan Gang said that while firmly withdrawing financial subsidies for electric vehicles in 2020, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology have clearly extended preferential measures for vehicle purchase tax, and the automobile energy-saving points system and corresponding incentive system will also be completed. Policy efforts are needed to speed up the carbon trading system, support for business innovation models and expand the share of new energy vehicles.

The policy innovation mentioned by Wan Gang will not only continue to expand the quota of electric vehicle market sales, accelerate the popularization and promotion of public transport and taxi, but also open up the new market of shared cars, improve the construction measures of charging facilities, and create a better market environment. Liu Xiaoming, deputy minister of the Ministry of Transport, revealed that the application of new energy vehicles in the transportation field will reach 600000 in 2020.

Many people in the industry expect that by 2025 at the latest, the cost performance of electric vehicles will exceed that of fuel vehicles. Chen Qingtai explained that the cost of solar and wind power generation is lower than that of fossil energy. At that time, the market will use powerful forces to promote this automobile revolution and energy revolution, and realize green travel and green life.